5/19/2021 0 Comments There is a choice to be made...I was listening to a well known minister on TV today and he started out by talking about the need for a reintroduction to the Holy Spirit. I was so excited and loved listening to him talk about not letting the weirdness of people scare you away from who the Holy Spirit really is. He is not the shouting and jerking around that is some people’s reaction to him. It's not who He is, just a reaction to being around Him sometimes. Anyway I was so excited someone was talking about the importance of who He is in our lives and why Jesus had to leave to send us Him and then he slowly started sneaking words in there, like saying the Holy Spirit is not there to convict you of your sin but to convince you how wonderful life is with him. And how He just needs you to know that your sin doesn’t matter since it’s already taken care of. Then he said he wore a shirt the week before with camels having sex just so he could see if you listened to his message and not got hung up on the shirt he was wearing. He said It’s not about being sin conscious but about just allowing the Holy Spirit in so you can fulfill your calling in life. I was so happy at the beginning that finally ministers were talking about what Christianity really is and then he had to slip into this new teaching that sin doesn’t matter as long as you are aware your forgiven. What we say and do shouldn’t be criticized or convicted is one of the biggest lies of the enemy. The Holy Spirit is not waiting around to jump on you when you do something wrong but if you let him in your life you should listen to His nudging that says don’t do it. You should allow Him to lead you away from sin. We are not to be of the world but we are called to separate ourselves from the filthiness and uncleanness of the world and be holy. A minister wearing a shirt with animals having sex and rebuking his congregation for not overlooking it to hear his message clearly doesn’t have an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit or he would feel the conviction that He brings when we veer away from God’s words and ways. And yes, the Holy Spirit convicts. The Lord chastens those He loves, for their benefit. A life with the Holy Spirit is a life of joy, peace, comfort, help, and so much more, but it is also one of discipline and change and overcoming and being led where you don’t want to go because of your love for the Lord. You will never be alone again or without help but you do have to be a habitation in which He wants to dwell. You cannot have intimacy with the Lord and intimacy with the world also, there is a choice that has to be made.
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My name is Marla and I am here to tell you about how I live my life in the Holy Spirit.